
(205) 447-1921


Opening Hours

Tues - Sat: 8:30AM - 4:00PM

Benefits of Massage Therapy

The origins of massage therapy trace back thousands of years, making it one of the oldest and most commonly practiced forms of holistic therapy. Massage therapy is effective in reducing musculoskeletal related pain, muscular tension, postural imbalance, and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Clients also report a heightened sense of mind-body connection as the therapist’s touch brings awareness to the body and where it has been storing tension.

30 Minute Massage


60 Minute Massage


90 Minute Massage


Sarah Branch
Sarah Branch

Sarah Branch LMT, NMT (license #5515) is a licensed massage therapist in Vestavia Hills, AL. Sarah graduated from the Birmingham School of Massage in 2020 and received certifications in professional massage therapy and neuromuscular therapy. She also has received continued training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and assisted stretching therapy.

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